government personnel departments

Business velocity

Managing your personnel advertising campaigns have never been more challenging!
Web-based commerce, data growth throughout the personnel department, needs for data availability and security concerns — not to mention constantly changing user needs and data storage technologies — make effective personnel management absolutely critical. A resilient, storage-centric management environment can deliver the flexibility, efficiency, cost effectiveness and availability you need to respond to these ever changing business requirements. GOVJOBS can help you create that environment with broad capabilities for solving candidate sourcing problems.

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Government HR Convergence

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Powerful tools for filling your jobs

staffing for government With today’s pressures to perform more manualized business processes, sourcing job seekers should be an automated process.

The days of posting jobs in local news, league news and paperback publications at absurd prices for a single day ad, only to attract local candidate pools, missing candidates who are out of publication reach, are a thing of the past.

Posting your jobs with GOVJOBS, allows you to reach out to a nationwide audience, for a term of 60 days, unlimited wording, fully editable 24/7, with greater attention to job seekers specifically interested in working for government.

Our job posting tools are simple to use, and creates custom tailored job postings that rival premium paperback publication formats and in most cases, is less than two-thirds the cost of posting in paperback.

» That’s nationwide coverage
» Unlimited wording
» Longer posting term
» Editable anytime
» At a fraction of the cost.

That's what we call
"All Inclusive Solutions"
government personnel department